Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A day of rest followed by the negation of

Although not planned, Monday's rest day did wonders! The 2 hour run was substituted for a 2 hour nap and I got in a solid 12.30 hours of sleep that night! Thats right 12.30 hours. I spent the day resting up and working on my knee. I found that if I sit back with my legs bent at the knee (like you sat in elementary school- with your butt between your feet) with one leg extended and bounce up and down it cracks me thing ever!

Following Monday's rest day I hit up Bear Peak and South Boulder. Running up Shadow Canyon I hit SoBo then Bear followed by some loops in the hills below. It was a sold 2.30 hours. I got a new pr (personal recored) up shadow of 33 min (timed from the turn off to the intersection at the top). In my opinion this is one of the hardest climbs in Boulder. Its rocky condition and insane vertical gain make it a hard run both up and down. Its about a 20 min run to the base of the climb then it gains 1,967 vertical in 1.35 miles.

That afternoon I got in a nice 30 min shake out around campus and some barefoot running on Kitt. After running alone for 2.30 hours I was lucky enough to be accompanied by Drew Hogg. Although not an ultra runner, he is one bad ass on the bike, and an all around ladies man. Its always a pleasure to run kitt with Drew, especially when the girlies are out playing soccer. Aaahhh its gonna be a sweet sweet summer of running!

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