Tuesday, July 26, 2011

a look back and a glance forward

For me the Leadville Silver Rush 50 marked the close to my first “real” season of running. At the close of my cycling carrier I had one goal in mind, run Western States. Although that didn't happen this season- nor was it planned- I have qualified for the 2012 Western States (finished a 50 mile trail race in under 12 hours- something that I think is an overly easy qualifying time). The runs this season started out at 10 minutes in duration and ended with the longest run being 10.30 hours. Thats right 10.30 hours! During the fall of 2010 I started running and signed up for my first race- the Gold Leaf half marathon in Aspen Co. At that time my longest run had been 14 miles. Well I did the race and finished well- 49th out of 1000 (and one of 80 people who went under 2 hours- its a hilly coarse)! Over the winter months I continued to run without any real race in mind. The early months of 2011 saw pretty inconsistent training- well by my standards. The next race I did was the sage burner 50k in Gunnison held mid May. That race sucked but I finished. By that point I had signed up for the Silver Rush and was training with a certain goal in mind. Over the month of June and July training went pretty well. I wasn't really recording my training during this time. The last two weeks of June and the first two weeks of July went really well. Each week was about 18-21 hours and was all solid training. Although I can regularly do these hours on a bike, and indeed many more, running is a different story. I was so destroyed with training I didn't do much but run and sleep. It was hard. The week before Leadville was a rest week, and I mean rest! I slept like 14 hours a day- everyday. Then I raced. It was run up to mile 43. The race started at 10,200' and topped out at 12,000' twice. It was an out an back coarse with 2 massive climbs each direction. I started out slowly- my all day pace. The first 13.5 miles was 2.15 hours ( a little slower then what I wanted but still good). This is where I saw my lovely crew. I cannot thank Anna, Jerome, and Hana enough! They were there with signs, food, and water. I flew through the aid station. We had discussed the best game plan for the aid stations and executed it perfectly. I was shooting for 2 hour splits and a finish of around 8 hours. I hit the turn around in 4.30 hours. Same pace, same crew. All was good at this point. I was a little sore but other then that I was fine. Knowing that I had ran for 4.30 hours and was only 1/2 way done was not the best feeling mentally but I decided to harden the f' up and get it done. From mile 25 to mile 39 was my best section. I killed it. I made up a lot of time during the first climb and the ripping decent. It was mile 33 that Andrew cheered me on! I met Andrew at Gunnison and was informed that he was not at Leadville. But as I was flying down the shallow down hill I hear "is that Alex Hauger!- your killing it" I couldn't have been happier to have my friend there! His cheers got me to the next aid station. This is were I saw my crew for the last time. 7 hours. All was great. I knew 8 hours was out of the question but a 9.30 finish was looking good. only 12 miles to go! Then I hit the final climb and Leadville started hitting back- hard. The last 12 miles took 3.10 hours. Shit! It wasn't that I couldn't run physically- it was the mental damage. I was pretty destroyed by mile 42. My running turned into a jog with a few walking sections- ouch! The last 7 miles was horrible. It wasn't until the last mile that I started really running again- and at 200 meters to go- a lovely treat! My roommate Richard- the best runner I know who possess a talent I won't ever be ably to touch- showed up. I didn't know he was coming! As I flew passed he told me I had only 200 meters left! Thank the Lord! I was killed the last 200 meters and finished in 10.30 hours. Not great but enough for 104th out of 430. Top 25% not bad, not bad.

Before the start with Jane, Jill, and Jimmy. Game on!

Before the start, minutes to go.

Turn around- all similes!

Grabbing food at mile 38

Best crew ever! Jerome, Hana, Richard. I couldn't ask for better friends!

Anna and I at the finish. I couldn't have done it without her!

So what's next? I'm not sure. There are a few races and events I'm mulling over in my head. Right now the Leadville 100 mile run seems to be the next logical step. I am also highly considering chasing the Leadman title. That consists of completing 5 or 6 of the 6 events at Leadville in one season. If I do it I'm going to to all of them. The 10k run, marathon, 50 mile run and mountain bike race, and the 100 mile run and mountain bike. Epic for sure! (http://www.leadvilletrail100.com) Some other races I am considering:

Miwok 100k in Marin Headlands CA

Western States in Squaw Valley

Hardrock 100 in Silverton

Wasatch Front 100

Any and all of the Montrail Ultra Cup

And, of coarse, the Mont- Blanc!
There are a few other races in Europe I want to do but I haven't researched enough about those races.

One last race I have in mind is the 24 hours in Moab mountain bike race.

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